General Information
Checking In:
-Reconfirmation is mandatory 72 hours prior to your arrival date.
-Check-in takes place on Saturdays between 5:00pm and 8:00pm. Please note that late arrivals after 8:00pm must be arranged in advance or for unexpected delays confirmed by phone to the property key holder.
-Wi-Fi is available.
-A baby bed is available for 30 euro.
-No air conditioning is available at this resort.
-Must be 21 years of age or older to check-in.
-A car is recommended to enjoy the area.
-A bus stop is situated in front of the resort and takes you directly to the Piazza Gramsci (city center) in about 15 minutes.
Please be sure to purchase sufficient food and drink for Saturday and Sunday as the extra-urban bus visits very rarely and most supermarkets and grocery stores are closed on Sundays. The nearest restaurants are too far away to reach by foot. The nearest is in Siena, 7km/4 miles away.
Additional Fees:
Heating is paid by guest based on consumption.
A refundable security deposit of 150 euro and a tourist tax of 1.5 euro per person/per day is due at check-in.
No phones in the unit. A time operated "pay as you go" mobile phone will be at your disposal requiring a credit card security deposit of 50 euro (use a Credit Card vs. a Debit Card). If you choose to use this service, in order to operate the mobile you need to purchase "top up" phone cards. These cards are available at specialty shops such as: Tim Shop, supermarkets, and bars with the sign "t" for Tabaccheria.